Discovering, preserving and bringing to life the fascinating history of northern Chisago County, Minnesota
Meetings and Special Events
Date/Time Location Event

August 7, 2012

7:00 pm

Rushseba Town Hall Gifts from Esther Schmidt on display. Included are seven unframed Effie Bornhoft paintings and Effie’s paint brushes, memorabilia from her many years working with 4-H, Pioneer School, public school and junior college plus the clothes she wore to Pioneer School at three locations. She was interested in politics & rock collecting and a frequent speaker for churches and community organizations. An invitation to George W Bush inaugural and much more. Come and see.

August 18, 2012

Rush City Park

NCHS will have a table at the Rush City Arts and Music Festival. Stop by to purchase some of our local history materials, renew your membership and/or chat about the history from this area that interests you. Ideas for programs are always welcome.

Sept 4, 2012


Rushseba Town Hall A popular musical group has been invited for our meeting. Watch the newspaper for more details!

October 2, 2012


Rushseba Town Hall 4-H volunteer for 35 years, Gwen Swenson will speak on the history of 4-H with emphasis on Chisago County involvement. She served as leader for Happy Hikers, was fair dorm supervisor, poultry superintendent, active sewing & quilting project leader leading two overnight camps.